These types of cellphones are more than just nice looking, they offer some great features to get you up and going. Here are some of the pros and cons for the Xiaomi Mi Max:
Pros: The Xiaomi Mi Max is a fantastic looking phone with very sleek lines, and the front of the phone is made of glass to shield your eyes from any prying eyes. This particular phone has been out for a few months and seems to be selling like hotcakes.
Con: The Xiaomi Mi Max is not as customizable as some other phones on the market. Some of these other companies even have their own operating system in their phones, which means you can have multiple operating systems installed at the same time, giving you some extra functionality and options, while still keeping your information safe and private.
The phone has been known to have some problems as well. These include the issue which some reports have said caused the site to crash.
A few of the other issues include being a tad bit too heavy for the weather and water resistance, getting inconsistent updates, a one year limited warranty, some complaints about the screen, some compatibility issues, and one very loud complaint from a voice mail customer service rep that said the phone was too big for his phone! These were all claims made by the voice mail customer service rep.
That is one of the more revolutionary factor in this phone, that being its ability to fit into the palm of one hand. With so many different features, it is no wonder it is also being sold as a more pocket-friendly phone.
Size wise, it fits in a wallet that is 12.5mm thick. While the size is nice, one of the biggest complaints that I have heard about the phone is the power button, which is a bit too small for a larger person’s hand.
Many reviewers say the large speakerphone is a blast to listen to music. However, other people have complained about the auto brightness in their unit which uses a dimmer setting on your device.
Some users are also complaining about the not having a nano sim card slot on the phone. If you are a frequent traveler and have been told that your phone won’t be able to hold international numbers then you might want to look at getting an international model.
Now that you have seen the pros and cons of the Xiaomi Mi Max, you might want to do a quick look at other cell phone brands reviews. You might find some great reviews for the phone and decide if it is for you or not.